Analytics Reporting
It’s our fancy way of showing you how well your website is doing. We use analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Bing Webmaster Tools and Yandex Search Engine to create custom reports that give you insight on how well your site performs. We use this data to come up with strategies to get your users to your site faster, boost your search engine ranking and improve the overall speed of your site.
General Overview
We start most of our reports with a general overview of how your site is performing. From here, we delve deeper into the various statistics that are of interest to you.

Traffic Acquisition
Here we start to break down WHERE your users come from to get to your site. We analyze the Direct traffic, which are the users that navigate to specific pages to your site directly; Keyword Search Traffic, which displays the words used to find your site that were searched by users; and the Referral Traffic, which are the websites that users were on previously before navigating to your site via a referral link.

Technology Overview
Not only do we track how users find your site, but we also track which kind of devices and browsers are accessing your site. This enables us to better optimize your site’s performance based on how and which users visit your site the most, whether it’s on their iPhone X with a Safari browser or their desktop PC with a Firefox browser. We work to make sure your site performs at its best across all platforms.

Sample Pages Overview
Most importantly, we show you data on which pages your users are visiting the most. That way we can enrich those pages with content to further engage viewers to interact with your site, producing more traffic and improving your site’s search engine ranking.

Your Customized Analytics Report
Once we have gone through all of the data pertinent to your site, we compress it into a comprehensive format that we provide to you. You can use this data as a benchmark for your site’s performance and create strategies on how to further improve your business’ presence online.